Week Twelve of my Remote Internship

Claire Alfree
2 min readAug 10, 2020

Fun fact, trying to do a remote internship plus virtual tour guide and RA training is near impossible. But, I somehow did it. Piece of advice, don’t have three jobs at once.

On Monday and Tuesday, while I was attending an 8 hour zoom call for tour guide training, I spent the day writing my script for my Car Insurance video. One of the challenging things I’ve had to do all summer was transcribe an interview while listening to a speaker. I was very happy to see that my boss liked my script and had very little edits.

Wednesday is when I decided to push myself by working for twelve hours. I cranked out my feature piece which resulted into 8 lengthy paragraphs about an amazing woman who’s younger than wanting to be a correctional officer. Then I wrote and filmed a news package about how Microsoft buying Tik Tok. Lets just say I was exhausted by the end of the day.

Thursday was dedicated to completing my virtual RA training: a 10 video long series with coordinating quizzes. Never in my life was it so hard to watch YouTube videos for half a day. I ended the work day by working with my mentor on my feature piece, I hope it can be published next week!

Friday, as always, is news seminar day. I spent the morning analyzing and reading article introductions and conclusions. I was told I’m an excellent reader and should of continued my dream career of musical theatre. I also attended a LinkedIn and resume workshop. And I learned my resume is trash, but hey at least it’s pretty.

I also learned that my Twitter account is pathetic and there are so many hacks to finding content such as TweetDeck and the Advanced Search option on Twitter. Personally, I’ve always loathed this app but I have to pretend I like it to survive in the news industry.

We ended the day by doing a mock press conference and edited our news packages. I had an exporting fiasco that made me want to throw my laptop out of my window. I was so upset that I turned in my news package about Microsoft buying Tik Tok late and without lower thirds however my boss was very understanding.

Since I’m going back to school this weekend, maybe I can sneak into a Mac lab and try to export the video on a computer that can support the fancy graphics!



Claire Alfree

Multimedia Journalist 🎥 Freelance Videographer & Writer 📝 Production Assistant with Hearst Television’s Washington News Bureau🎬 📍 Washington, D.C.